Sex Addiction is The Worst

When an alcoholic or a drug addict hits rock bottom, they are often shown grace and compassion. Posting about your substance addiction on social media would likely be met with supportive comments and people reaching out to offer help. Substance addicts may even see family members and in-laws step up to help where they can.

This is not how it goes for sex addicts. As our society currently stands, sex is a private matter that carries with it judgment and shame. Sex is very personal and plays a significant role in marriage and relationships. For these reasons, sex addicts are rarely shown compassion or grace, especially from their spouses.

Addicts are at their lowest of lows when they hit rock bottom. They are experiencing the worst aspects of shame, guilt, and humiliation. This is a time when addicts need support and compassion the most. For sex addicts, support is hard to come by. Not only can they not reach out for help from their community, but they are also unable to rely on their primary attachment figure, their wife. This is what makes sex and porn addiction one of the worst addictions out there.

For partners, it doesn’t get worse than sexual betrayal. Their husband, whom they have given themselves to and trusted as their partner for life, has chosen other women over them. If the love of their life was capable of doing this to them, how could they trust anyone ever again?

While you never meant to, your actions have traumatized your wife in ways that will damage her nervous system. She will operate in a world where she is unable to trust anyone (including herself). You made her feel unattractive, undesired, and easily replaceable. You destroyed her past, her present, and everything she was hoping life would be. Unlike any other addiction, the wives of sex addicts are the ones who get the worst of it. Their recovery is oftentimes far worse than that of the addict.

Sexual betrayal is the ugliest part of this addiction. As a sex addict, it can be hard to live with the reality of what you have done to your wife. This is unfortunate, as shame is the number one thing that will prevent a sex addict from healing. It is hard enough dealing with an addiction and it is even harder when you have to show up for your wife in a way that you have never shown up before if you want to save the marriage. While difficult, healing your marriage from sexual betrayal is possible. But, before you can heal the relationship, you need to recover.

What will life be like after you join our group?

  • You and your wife will be on the same team because you will understand what you have done to her.
  • You’ll have a plan to keep you sober, hold you accountable, and prevent relapse.
  • You’ll be able to prove to your wife that you are taking action and have the evidence to show her it’s working.
  • Your wife trusts you, not because she forgot about what you did, but because she trusts your recovery plan and she feels safe moving forward.

If you are ready to take the massive action required to put this addiction behind you and heal your marriage, this program is for you.

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